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You can’t hide the real face from a women


WIFE: What would you do if i died? Would you get married again?

Husband: No…

Wife: Why not? Don’t you like being married?

Husband: Of course i do.

Wife: Then why wouldn’t you remarry?

Husband: Ok, ok, i’d get married again…

Wife: Would you live in our house with your new Wife…?

Husband: Yes, it’s a great house.

Wife: Would you let her drive my car ?

Husband: Yes, its almost new, dear.

Wife: Would you give her my jewelry?

Husband: No.. I am sure she would want her own..

Wife: Would she wear my shoes..?

Husband: No, her size is ’6′

Wife: —————————————— silence

Husband: ‘Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’…!!
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