ONE MINUTES PRAYER.( 2 ) May your doors of success be always open to you. May you see opportunities where other people see troubles.
May the Lord's presence never hide from you.
May He grant all the desires of your heart.
Because of you, your family is blessed.
You will always stand & not fall.
Abundant wealth and good health shall be your portion now and always.
Say 'AMEN' to claim this prayer NOW.
A girl asked her boyfriend. Honey, why is it that when
a girl had s*x with numerous guys, she's a slut
and a lot of
people hate her, but when a guy does the
same, he is a
legend ?
The guy answered, if a door is opened with
more than one
key, it becomes a useless door, no one will
want to keep
anything important in a room with such
door, but if a key
opens more than one door, then its a
MASTER key.....