The Soda Pop
Can you still remember?
I miss d days when we went to school, lined up & D headmistress & teachers inspect our nails & uniform & den we match to our classrooms,

U Remember na??
  • D days of Nasco Biscuit, Trebor, Iced Coloured water tied in nylon we called it "lolly"
  • D days of Goody-Goody & pak o Biscuit. X_X
  • D days of Ali & Simbi, Mr Salami & Mrs Salami, Agbon, Edet lives in Calabar....
  • Chei, i remember those days when one naira na money, when groundnut was 5 kobo. & choco milo sweet was 5 kobo
  • days of messing game, who is in d garden, police and thief
  • D days of mama & papa play
  • days when we use to build houses with sand, play suwe game, tinco tinco, change your style, another style... ten ten, skipping, stop!

    U remember nau!
  • those days wen we used to fly kite on streets, wen boys used to use d paint bucketcover as tire & their daddy's hanger as d steering
  • those days when rubber band was stock exchange
  • days when votron, jimbo, power rangers, spider man was our favourite cartoons
  • D days of limca soft drinks & choco milo advert on black and white tv Nd̶̲̥̅̊ sunday rendevous by1:30pm
  • when we say 'leke leke give me white finger'
  • Those days when eleganza pen was d best
  • D days wen we used to drink water from dtap even suck out d water if its not coming out
  • D days when NTA will show rainbow colorfor 30 mins then national anthem before they resume program @ 4pm
  • D days were basket sandals, simbi, opanka nd Bata sandals were d best
  • Days wen we all sing sandalili sandalili songs, dstv has come no more old fun

    I'm really proud to have experienced all this. If u cnt remember dis it means u were nt born in my generation.

Be Humble and have Postive though always...
When a Snake is Alive, Snake eats ants,

When a snake is dead ants eat snake, so time can turn at anytime don't devalue anyone in life,

You may be powerful but time is more powerful than you.

One tree make one Hundred Thousand Match sticks but one match Stick can burn 100,000 trees.

One NEGATIVE thought can burn all POSITIVE thoughts.

Bottom Line, Be Humble and have Postive though always...
???? hiv
A girl went to a pastor with frank faces,

the pastor asked what z ur problem,

she said my boy friend made me unhappy,

the pastor said did he beat u, the girl said no,

pastor ask again slap u, she said no,

( in action nw) pastor toches the girls neck & said did he do like this, she said no,

pastor kiss her & said did he do like this to u, she said no,

(pastor called her indoor) pastor lyn her on d bed & said did he do u like ds, she said no,

pastor sleep with her & said did he do like ds she said no,

then pastor said what exertly he does. The girl answered he gave me HIV ADIS.

Pastor in d hospital enjoing d rest of his day.
You can’t hide the real face from a women

WIFE: What would you do if i died? Would you get married again?

Husband: No…

Wife: Why not? Don’t you like being married?

Husband: Of course i do.

Wife: Then why wouldn’t you remarry?

Husband: Ok, ok, i’d get married again…

Wife: Would you live in our house with your new Wife…?

Husband: Yes, it’s a great house.

Wife: Would you let her drive my car ?

Husband: Yes, its almost new, dear.

Wife: Would you give her my jewelry?

Husband: No.. I am sure she would want her own..

Wife: Would she wear my shoes..?

Husband: No, her size is ’6′

Wife: —————————————— silence

Husband: ‘Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’…!!
What Nonsense! This has got to stop!

When CL0SE-UP does an advert, they will show you someone's teeth and how to brush properly.

When GILETTE Does an advert, they will show you someone's beards, armpit and they will show you how well the shaving stick works.

When DETTOL does an advert, they will show you someone taking his or her bath in the bathroom with the soap


But what the hell is wrong with ALWAYS ULTRA Sanitary PAD? When they are doing their advert, they will never show us anything!
All we see is a girl rolling on her bed or
secondary school girls singing on the field...
How does that show us what the pad is used for?